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In case your canine develops a hot spot you should start by trimming the hair around infected area , remove the pus and clean skin at that site . Just understand that this spot can be quite painful so simply be cautious.Given is the list of proven natural treatments you can use to replace the ones conventional pills if you are apprehensive about making use of a steroid or antibiotic . also these herbal treatments are certainly more effective because they cause no harm to immune system , making it less feasible for those hot spots to reoccur .

1. Coconut oil :

Coconut oil is anti-fungal , anti- inflammatory and anti- bacterial. It also have the triglycerides which complement the Omega-3 oil.It can be used both topically and internally .

  • For topical use rub a large amount on the affected area after cleaning it properly.
  • For internally you can give 5 ml(teaspoon) coconut oil per 10 pound of weight of the dog.
Coconut oil is best to relief dry and itchy skin also it  enhances the healing process of skin.

2.  Black tea :

Tannic acid or tannis is the compound in black tea which not only hault the infection or bio-film formation due to bacterial i.e staphylococcus colonies but also enhances the healing process of hot spot.
  • Dip the black tea bag in water and let it cool down . Drain the liquid from tea bag on the hot spot after applying it on the infected area.

3. Aloe Vera gel : 

Aloe vera is the perfect remedy for this disease as it contains both prostaglandins and vitamins . Prostaglandins are useful to reduce inflammation and soothes the dry and itchy skin while vitamins are necessary for the healing purpose.
  • Gently apply a thin film of aloe vera gel either bought from store or directly from the  leaf on the infected site until it is no longer slimy.
  • Apply the gel 2-3 times a day till the hot spot heal completely. 

4. Oregano and coconut cream :

A topical cream of coconut oil and oregano combat the infection (bacterial) and soothe itchy and dry skin .

  • Mix 5 tablespoon of coconut oil with 5 drops of oregano oil .Using a clean cotton ball apply it for once a day till hot spot is gone

5. Oatmeal bath :

Oatmeal contains saponins which removes dirt and oil , also it has the anti inflammatory action. It calms the dry and burnt or itchy skin .These saponins are used in commercially available cleansing and moisturizing products.
  • Fill a tub or bucket with slightly warm water and mix 1-2 cups of finely grounded oatmeal (should be free from sugar and flavor).
  • Allow the dog to immerse his/her body in the tub and massage the oatmeal mix fluid onto his/her body.
  • Rinse with warm water and dry the body of the dog with towel. Do same procedure till the hot spot is no longer existing. 

6. Apple cider vinegar :

As the name indicate its acidic nature which is useful to kill the microbes (which cannot survive in acidic conditions) so it act as anti -fungal and anti- bacterial agent. A large amount of nutrients and minerals which help to speed up the healing process are also present.

  • Dilute the pure vinegar with equal parts water (1:1). Using a clean cotton ball apply only a small amount onto the skin once a day till skin gets better.
⇒Sprinkling a small quantity of corn starch will help dry the wound after application of vinegar which will provide comfort to the dog 


  • Do not use hydrogen peroxide or Listerine as they damage the skin , decline the healing process and cause burns.
  • Be careful that the dog do not lick  and ingest aloe vera as it is toxic to the dogs.

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